The concept of agro-ecological delineations was developed by FAO with emphasis on comparable agro-climatic parameters to delineate agriculturally potential areas suitable for particular crops or combination of crops so that optimum production potential is achieved.
The significance of homogeneous agricultural environment, as realised in the agro-ecological unit is of particular importance in effective and sustainable land use and its management to enhance agricultural output for meeting the increasing demand for food, fodder, fibre and other products. With the growing demand for food, fodder and fibre, there is overuse of land or faulty planning of land use that has resulted in soil health hazards such as acidification, soil erosion and deterioration of land quality.

The agro-ecological delineations of Kerala has been undertaken by the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Bengaluru under a project co-ordinated by the Kerala State Planning Board in 2012. The analysis was carried out primarily based on climate, geomorphology, land use and soil variability enabling delineation of five agro-ecological zones (AEZ) and twenty three agro-ecological units (AEU).

Agro Ecological Management Units (AEMU)

Twenty three agro- ecological units have been delineated in Kerala based on climate, land form and soils with the panchayats as the primary unit. From the point of view of administrative convenience and implementation of development plans, it has become necessary to reclassify the existing units with the development blocks as the unit.

The re grouping has been done by merging of units with only slight variations in features like climate, land form, soils and limited geographical extent. Based on the above criteria twenty agro-ecological management units have been identified.

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