An increasing population and diminishing land availability in
Kerala State (India) have outlined the need for efficient soil
management strategies to improve and sustain the productivity of
crops. Soil health management is of paramount importance in the
maintenance of quality in respect of soils, agricultural produce
as well as the environment.
Soil health Information
System helps the visitor to understand the fundamental
characteristics of the soils of Kerala State, soil related
constraints for crop production, soil fertility aspects and
nutrient management plans of all the local bodies (Panchayats,
Municipalities and Corporations). The resources of the portal
are drawn from the massive database generated under the Project
on ‘Soil based plant nutrient management plan for
agro-ecosystems of Kerala’ implemented by the Department of
Agriculture, Government of Kerala and Co-ordinated by the State
Planning Board as a multi-institutional programme.
portal provides current knowledge on soils of Kerala State based
on interpretation of the soil fertility database. Basic concepts
of soil health, attributes of healthy soils and consistent
messages about the current status of soil health are elaborated.
Soil health indicators, soil health assessment and best
management practices for optimizing crop production and
sustaining soil health are also covered.
A suite of
fact sheets highlighting soil health parameters to assess and
test aspects of soil health are available in the Portal. Aspects
relating to microbial diversity of the soils of Kerala State are
still under scientific investigation and every effort has been
made to identify a minimum dataset to measure soil
quality/health. Apart from this, guidelines for organic
agriculture and novel techniques for low-input farming are also
discussed which is the starting point ultimately leading to a
healthy environment and overall health of the community.
Significant contributions were made by the Multi-Institutional
Project Team for generating the Soil Fertility Database which
forms the resources of the Portal. The content design, technical
support and development of the Portal was undertaken by the
Project Support Team (Indian Institute of Information Technology
and Management-Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
Contact Us
+ 91 471 2527567, + 91 471 2700777

© 2019 | System conceived,designed and implemented by IIITMK